ポンコツ期、孤独期、成果独り占め期を経て… サイボウズのプロマネが振り返る、マネージャーの成長の「4フェーズ」
湯川鶴章氏(以下、湯川): KKBOXのCEO、クリス·リンさんとPinkoiのCEO、ピーター·ヤンさんをお招きしています。まず初めに、お二人に自己紹介をお願いします。
(We have Mr. Chris Lin of KKBOX, also Mr. Peter Yen of Pinkoi. Could you introduce yourself and your company first? From Mr.Lin?)
Chris Lin (以下、クリス): ありがとうございます。またこの場に呼んで頂いて光栄です。私は、クリス·リン、KKBOXの創設者のうちの一人でCEOです。現在私達は、オンラインミュージックの会員サービスプラットフォームをアジア7か国で展開しています。月定額料金で音楽を無制限で視聴出来るサービスを主に提供しています。そして日本を含むアジア諸国、それぞれの国での市場を積極的に開拓しています。ピーター、どうぞ。
(Thank you. I am glad to be here again. I’m Chris Lin, co-founder and CEO of KKBOX. We are the leading online music subscription platform in the Asian Pacific region. We are currently serving 7 markets in Asia. We are mainly providing one monthly fee and all you can stream music service. That’s basically what we are doing. We are aggressively expanding, deepening our entrance into each of the regions, including Japan. Peter?)
Peter Yen (以下、ピーター) :クリスと同じく、またこの場に呼んで頂いて光栄です。私はピーター·ヤン、Pinkoi.comの創設者のうちの一人でCEOです。Pinkoi.comはアジアのデザイナーのオンラインマーケットプレイス兼コミュニティサイトです。Pinkoi.comで、デザイナーは製品を売買したり、デザインすることが出来ます。現在3,000のインディーズ・デザイナーブランドがPinkoiに登録しています。サイトに載っている彼らの製品は世界のどこからでも購入することが出来ます。Pinkoiの素晴らしいところは、インディーズ・デザイナー同士が交流出来る、そしてお互いの作品によって影響を与え合っている点です。私達はこのサービスが今後アジアのライフスタイルを確立していくのでは、と考えています。
(It is my honor to be here again. My name is Peter Yen, co-founder and CEO of Pinkoi. com. Pinkoi is online marketplace and community for designers in Asia. People can come to Pinkoi to buy and sell. They design product. We are currently working with 3,000 indie designer brands. Any brand listing their product at Pinkoi selling to take country all around the world. The great part of Pinkoi is to get to mingle with all the designer community and get to see their potentials and innovation. We believe that they are, this kind of trend will leading the lifestyle in Asia.)
(It is kind of hard to grasp what you guys do. Is there any equivalent services in western world?)
クリス: 多くの投資家の方々は私達をアジア版Spotify (ヨーロッパ中心にサービス提供している音楽ストリーミングサービス)だと思っているようですが、KKBOXの方がSpotifyより先に市場に出ているんです。でもあえて言うなら、Spotify、でしょうか。
(Let me go first. I think people usually, I guess the investment community usually cause us Spotify of Asia, In fact, we are actually being on the marketplace before Spotify was out. But I guess that’s the most relevant comparison of KKBOX to the Western world. )
(What are the differences between KKBOX and Spotify?)
クリス: 私達は、現在展開しているどの国でも業界トップです。一番大きな違いは、アジアのプラットフォームはPCよりも携帯電話が好まれている点です。そして二番目に、私達が展開しているどの国でも携帯電話からの支払方法が一般的だということです。これが米欧州であるとクレジットカードでの支払が一般的であることと対照的です。ビジネス環境に関してはこの二つが大きな違いでしょう。そして製品ラインアップに関して言えば、米欧州では3、4のメジャーなレーベルが市場の80%程を占めていますが、私達が展開しているアジアのどの国もインディーズ・レーベル、そしてその国独自のレーベルが市場を占めています。例えば台湾、シンガポール、マレーシア、日本です。これが米欧州と比べて著しい違いです。
(We are competing 100% fiercely in each of the country that we are in right now. The main difference is perhaps would be, Asian market is very very mobile centric, in a way that we focus a lot more of user experiences. Originally from mobile platform, instead of originating from PC platform. That’s one of the differences. Second thing is that in each of the country that we are in, the most prominent payment method is actually carrier billing, which is major difference between Asian countries and Western world where prominent payment method is credit card. So, these are two of the main differences in business environment. In terms of product lineup, since we are doing music business, one of the big, major major thing in Asia is, in Western world, major 3, or 4 labels takes probably over 80% of the market share. But in each country, like Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan, Indie labels or local labels are actually the majors. So that is the main difference, and it is very different here compare to Western world. )
湯川: 日本でも展開しているんですね?
(You have business in Japan, too?)
(Yes, we do.)
(How are you doing in Japan?)
クリス: とても上手く行っていると思います。日本で二番目に大きな携帯電話キャリアのKDDIが、三年前からKKBOXの株の大部分の株式を買収しました。KKBOXはKDDIの子会社ですが、KKBOXは本社を台北に構えてKDDIとは独立して運営しています。KDDIのおかげで日本の市場に参入することができました。
(We are doing quite well, I believe. Just for your information, 3 years ago, Japan’s second largest carrier, KDDI, acquired majority stakes of KKBOX. We are now operating as KDDI subsidiary, although we are still headquarter in Taipei, operating quite independently. So, I think we have strong polish in KDDI, in penetrating Japanese market.)
(Of course not to mention that Japan currently is the second largest music market in the world, but Japanese music industry still quite traditional in a way that it still has its huge packet CD market. In a way, adaptation of digital trend, Japan is kind of running behind the world. So, we are hoping that by being here, by being here more often and talking to the industry people here, will find bigger crack in marketplace. We can actually excel in this market. )
(Is there any struggling blocks other than Japanese little bit running behind?)
(I would say that’s the only, main obstacle that we are trying to overcome. I believe that this obstacle will gradually be dissolved. )
湯川: 日本のレーベルはどうですか? 協力的ですか?
(How about music labels in Japan? Are they cooperating with you?)
クリス: はい、そうですね。少しずつですが。他の国のレーベルと比べるととてもゆっくりと、です。日本のレーベルは未だに新しいCDが発売されてからそれがオンラインで提供されるまでに少し時間を置きますよね。米欧州の新曲は出たらすぐにオンライン提供することができます。私達は月定額で無制限ストリーミング・サービスを提供しているので、市場に出ているすべての曲、もちろん新曲も顧客はすぐに聞きたいと思うんです。
(They are. Slowly. Slower than comparing to music labels outside of Japan. In a way, they are still having windows to release of their latest songs. For the Western songs, we are having the latest. As you know, all you can eat service like ours, users actually want to come on to service, actually enjoy all the music they can find.)
(Naturally, if you don’t have the latest local music, that is one of the biggest low block to increase our subscribers, which also refrain us from putting in bigger marketing dollars because more we put in when customers are coming in to our service, they are not satisfied with the content lineup, they might ultimately comeback and hurt our brand. So, we are being very careful here. )
(On the other hand, we are doing radio type service like Pandora with KDDI which is the carrier branded service. So we are sort of doing hit and run strategy in Japan, in a way that we are helping KDDI to distribute their branded service, to their customers. On the other hand, we are doing different class of service, just like KKBOX. We are doing slower, waiting for the music industry to fully adapt our business model. )
(Who are your competitors in Japan?)
クリス: 世界中の大手企業が日本市場を狙っていると思います。
(I think all the international big players are coming to Japan. )
(Are there any local players in Japan?)
(I would say, yes. But main competition is actually レコチョク.)
湯川:ヤンさんはどうですか? 米欧州の企業で御社と似たサービスを提供しているところはありますか?
(How about you, Mr. Yen? Is there any equivalent service in Western world?)
(I think in investment circle, a lot of people compare Pinkoi service as Etsy. Etsy is also an online marketplace selling handmade stuff. Etsy was founded, started, 9 years ago in New York. I think it has been the leader of design marketplace around the world.)
(Pinkoi was founded 2 years ago, the major difference between Pinkoi and Etsy is, first one, Etsy only selling handmade while Pinkoi is selling design. We are only selling design, when we first started, if we Pinkoi marketplace only selling handmade, it is very hard to market, to address to the market here in Asia because handmade in Asia does not necessary mean that it is valued. Including China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Japan. We are selling design. Design can be handmade. Can be vintage, can be partially manufacture by factory. As long as it is original design by designers. So there is one difference.)
(The second difference between Etsy and Pinkoi is Etsy is open platform. That means everyone, they can go on to Etsy and they can start listing their goods. Etsy has been working with the problem, there are many bad quality designs listed on Etsy. And community of Etsy is not very happy about that. A lot of people in China, they are kind of exporting, importing taobao stuff on Etsy. It is kind of preluding that of low quality.)
(Pinkoi started 2 years ago. In Asia, we have to be curated, creative platform means every designers, if they want, everyone listed on Pinkoi, and they need to file applications. Go through the whole censorship process, so understand, design is original, actually it is made by you, designed by you, and definitely from indie designer studio, so we maintain the quality for the buyers, also the designer community because all the best designers, they want to work with the other best designers. They don’t want to work with some fake designers. So, we wanna maintain the quality of designer community. Once we have great designer community, they can produce great designer products. They will please out community, our market, and our buyers. )
(When you talk about design, what kind of design are you talking about?)
(Design includes basically everything in your life, including women’s bags, accessory like necklace, earrings, and shoes, home decos and also stationary. Includes everything that you can use in your daily life. Wallpaper, clothing, dress. For men and women, custom made gift. Everything that you can wear and use in your office and in your home, and in your daily life. )
(Your customers actually do not purchase any goods, but designs? )
ピーター: いいえ、皆さんの手に渡るのは完成した製品です。その製品は登録済のデザイナーがデザインしたもので、それをPinkoiを通じて購入して頂くということです。
(No. We are selling finish products, which are design products from the designers through our marketplace of Pinkoi.)
湯川:すると御社とEtsyの違いはなんでしょうか? Etsyも完成した製品を売っていますよね?
(So what is the difference between Etsy and Pinkoi? Etsy sells final products, right?)
(Etsy started 9 years ago and sell only handmade. Until recently, last month, modified their policy, they say, “ hey, we are not selling only handmade, “ they are moving towards to selling designs., which is what we thought when we started 2 years ago. So, Etsy is moving towards selling designs while keeping selling handmade. With Pinkoi, they can design as general ideas, big umbrella. We can do handmade, vintage, and design products under the same category.)
(People who are using your service is professional designers and manufactures?)
ピーター:私達はマーケットプレイスでもありコミュニティでもあります。製造者は弊社のプラットフォームにリストアップされていません。私達はデザイナーとデザインスタジオのみ申請を受け入れプラットフォームに掲載しています。販売側がデザイナーとデザインスタジオ、そしてその反対側には一般の消費者がいるというイメージです。現在、75%が女性で 25%が男性です。
( We are marketplace and community so we have both ends. We have seller ends, and all the indie designer studio. So they all are designers. We don’t have any manufacture listed on out platform. We only accept designers and studio. So on the seller side, designers indie studio, on the other side, general consumers. Currently, we have 75% of female and 25% male. )
(Who does the manufacturing?)
(Designers, they can make by themselves. It’s handmade. So, designers can handcraft their bags, they are doing everything by themselves. Also, designers can have their design sketch. And hand it to trusted manufactures to produce their products. )
(You have been business for 2 years. Where you do you want to take your business to, next step? )
(Pinkoi currently work with 8,000 designers across our platform, so 8,000 designers are empowered selling their products in 10 countries around the world, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, major cities of China, Beijing and Shanghai, North America and Japan. There is a minority south East Asia. For the next year, the goal is we wanna be very strong in mobile, mobile experience and also expanding it internationally. First, we will start from, we launched simpler Chinese version last week. We are trying to get great designers from main land. Attract good buyer from China and move to Japan. Japan is definitely our target market here in Asia.)
(Mr.Lin, how’s your impression of Kyoto? )
クリス: とても美しい場所ですね。IVSに限って言えば、日本の伝統とIT関連の人々が融合するような。面白いですね。
(It’s a beautiful place. I would say it’s a mix of, with IVS, it’s a mix of IT people with something very traditional. It’s interesting. I have an impression that food for IVS is improving every year. That maybe is the one of the bigger reason that I come back every time to Kyoto. )
湯川:ピーターさんはどうですか?(How about you, Mr.Yen?)
(I like the tranquility of Kyoto. Too beautiful, I forgot where I am in right now. There are many many historical design shops in Kyoto. So you can find very good handmade shops on the street. That’s one of the reasons that I like. Also, I really enjoy the combination of IVS that brought to Kyoto. )
(What’s your impression of IVS? )
ピーター: IVSは投資家、業界人、才能溢れる人々、創設者、スタートアップや起業家にとってもとてもいい機会だと思います。皆さんがそれぞれとても素晴らしいアイディアを持っていますね。色々な方とお話してとても良い影響を受けました。
(I think IVS presented many great opportunities for investors, industrial leaders, and also there are many different talents, founders, startups, and entrepreneurs, eco system. I liked all the great ideas, when we are talking to each other and all the great opportunities they can inspire to in whole conference.)
クリス:ピーターとまったく同意見です。そこに追加するとすれば、Tech CrunchやGigaomといったサイトで読むだけではわからない、業界のリアルな今がわかるところが素晴らしいと思います。IVSでは実際に業界の人と会って話を聞くことが出来ます。これは今後わが社の戦略を練っていくのに非常に役に立ちます。
(I fully agree with Peter, but adding on what he just said, I think IVS is the great place for people like us to really get to know what’s going on in the industry, especially things are moving so fast and it is difficult to just read from sites like Tech Crunch, Gigaom. Having IVS is really get first hand contact with people who are in the industry and listening to what they have to say. This is really important to how we craft our strategy in future. )
(For those people, international startup scene, is there any message to people who are thinking about attending IVS? What’s so good about IVS? )
(How would you know how good it is if you don’t come? I mean, it’s always important to take a first step out, come out and meet with great people in IVS. And you will find how good it is. )
(Chris already said it is very right. I think you need to come around and meet people, talk to them about your ideas and how you going to do, and listen to them what they are doing for their business. By doing mutual idea exchange, you will get a lot. )
(Is there anything that you want to ask each other?)
(Do you see any startup scene changes in Taiwan? )
クリス:これは観ている皆さんへ、でもありますが台湾は世界の中でも指折りのITハブで、IT関連製品の製造、デザインをすることでとても有名です。ラップトップ、マザーボード、携帯電話、フォックスコン等々の製造高は世界でナンバーワンを誇ります。台湾はこれまでハードウェアに焦点を合わせてきました。少しだけソフトウェア、他は全部ハード、のようなイメージです。ですが、ここで言うソフトウェアというのは厳密に言えばMedia Techに見られるようなICデザインなんです。
(This is also for audience to know about Taiwan. I don’t know what people think of Taiwan as their first impression but Taiwan, as you know, is one of the biggest international IT hubs, in a way, of designing manufacturing IT goods. We are the largest manufacture of laptops, also motherboard, also phone, you know, foxconn and everything. All Taiwanese. Taiwan has been all hardware. It was practically, not much of software industry but also hardware. But also what we consider as software industry is actually, IC design. Media Teck, you know? So, I think Taiwan is undergoing the transformation from hardware software into service industry. What we are doing kind of representing new trend for Taiwan. Young people just need to be brave to take the opportunity, not to listen to, I hate to say this but, old people too much. Just march out and start doing their startups. )
過去10年間、インターネット関連会社は厳しい状況に置かれてきました。でもここに来て状況は変わりつつあります。中でもKKBOXが若い世代の起業家に新しいことに挑戦する勇気を与えるのに重要な役割を担っている思います。若い世代はどうせやるなら国際展開して大きくなってやる! という気持ちでいます。これが台湾の今ですね。
(Yen: I personally feel very horned that I am sitting with Chris. Over the past 10 years in Taiwan, Taiwan has been very well known for those kind of hardware manufacture, what produce low cost hardware, iPhones, Android phones, selling to all over the world. But rarely, people know internet in Taiwan. If you look at the environment in Taiwan, you could not find any internet company. KKBOX represents the leading one that actually doing this effort. It is very hard for Internet companies in the past 10 years to come up off the service. But I think whole system is changing. I really believe that KKBOX is leading the trend, lot of younger generation entrepreneurs. They are willing to dream big. When they do mobile phone, when they do market place, when they do platform, they are aiming to be global service. It’s not only local service. I think that is very good transformation in Taiwan eco system.)
湯川: 最後の質問です。これを観ている日本の皆さんにメッセージをお願いします。
(Last question. To Japanese people watching this, please give them some messages.)
(One thing is that for the Japanese entrepreneurs, you probably don’t know how lucky you are to have a big domestic market. Peter and I both hope that we had a big domestic market in cultivating internet business. Just in Taiwan, we have a million paying subscribers, but imagine Taiwan market size was 10 times, or 5 times larger. We are automatically different scale of company. In a way, a curse is also a blessing. Although, we are smaller domestic market, that forces us to expand outside of Taiwan. So, for the Japanese entrepreneurs, although you have big domestic market, please use that domestic market to grow your business, but do not stop there. Be brave, step outside of Japan.)
ピーター: 私もChrisと同じように感じています。Pinkoiはここまで2年ほどで急速な成長を遂げています。もし市場が台湾と香港だけだったら……。私達には外に目を向けない理由がありません。設立してからまだ2年ですが、私達はすでに国際市場に目を向けています。アジアで最も成功している会社を探し、そして彼らとすでに契約を交わして一緒にやっています。
日本の方と私達のメンタルは全く違います。台湾ではアグレッシブにいかなければ生き残ることが出来ません。私達は生き残るのに必死なのです。台湾の市場だけに限らずどの市場でもそこに必要なニーズを見つけて積極的にビジネスにつなげようとしています。日本の方は恵まれています。大きな国内市場があるし、GDPも高い、そして日本人はとても洗練された生活をされています。そして、日本は世界中に最も多く有名ブランドを発信している国のうちのひとつだと思います。例えばユニクロや無印良品は世界でも有名です。私は是非日本でビジネスを成功させたい! と夢見ています。マーケティングよりも素晴らしい製品とプラットフォームを提供することに集中して力を入れたことが私達のビジネスの成果に繋がりました。
(I also feel the same way, Pinkoi has been running for 2 years. We see revenue is growing fast. But if our market is only in Taiwan and Hong Kong, on the small cities, on the pacific rim, it does not make sense to make Pinkoi to cross borders platform. So after 2 years, we are looking for international opportunity already. It’s only 2 years, small company, we are looking to, what is the biggest paying company in Asia, and we already work with them, sign the contracts with them. So we start off with the payment, early pay. I think that mentality is totally different. In Taiwan, we have to be very aggressive to survive. It’s kind of desperate. We want to survive. Not only Taiwan market, but also looking at other market to solve the problem they might face without solution, without strategy. I think in Japan, it is definitely blessing. You have big market. I think Japan is very high GDP, and people have very good sense of lifestyle, Japan is one of the countries that produce a lot of design brand across the world, Uniqro, Muji……. Yeah this is so famous. I am really dreaming that Pinkoi is starting in Japan! We don’t really spend a lot of time educating the market, but really focus on making great product and platform. )
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